New to running? 

Start here.





Start Running Today! (Monthly)

Are you ready to...


  • Run your first 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, & Marathon

  • PR your next 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, & Marathon

  • Finally run consistently & injury-free

  • Build physical strength & confidence in your body

  • Break through plateaus & achieve your goals

  • Feel more energized on a daily basis

  • Learn to love running


…if so, you’re in the right place!


What's included in the app?

Will this app work for you?


Absolutely - here’s why.

After over four years of helping hundreds of beginner runners as a Doctor of Physical Therapy and UESCA Run Coach, I can confidently say there is a unique approach that just flat out works.

This approach utilizes walk breaks to your advantage and prioritizes easy running, runner-specific strength exercises, rest days, recovery, and perhaps most importantly...

Your enjoyment of running.

Even if you’ve never ran before in your life, there are realistic programs made specifically for you with additional programs that build progressively off the last.

Programs with the exact approach utilized for past clients of mine, a few more of which have shared their thoughts below.



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Start Running Today! (Monthly)



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Start Running Today! (Yearly)